Thursday, July 30, 2015

Motorcycle Theft-Rocky Mt. Trip

After Bruce's accident we decided to go straight home, skipping our planned riding in Montana. We were driving about 800 miles per day so we could be home in 2 1/2 days.  On the last day we stopped at a motel in Zanesville, Ohio and parked the truck and trailer in front..  At 3:30 in the morning the hotel manager was banging on our door saying that my motorcycle had been stolen.  I went into the parking lot where I was greeted by three police cars and officers.  They received a radio call stating that they found my bike.  Apparently a man and wife were returning from a casino and noticed two men taking a bike off a trailer and pushing it into a housing project-thank goodness they called 911.  The thieves abandoned the bike an got away. The police took me in the back of a squad car (first time for me) and drove me to the project where my bike was stashed.  I rode it back to the trailer in my "jammies"  By then, we were too "jacked" to sleep so we headed home.I am a truly lucky guy to get my bike back-I carry only liability and that was a new fuel injected XT250.  All's well that ends well (except Bruce's Injuries-he went to the hospital with broken ribs).


At July 31, 2015 at 8:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You were looking for an adventure. Sounds like you really had one. Glad you got your bike back, amazing that those people just happened by at the right time.


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