Monday, February 26, 2007

Tombstone. Arizona

Tombstone is an interesting town. It was once the largest city west of the Mississsippi-then the gold and silver "fizzled out" and it almost became a ghost town. Here is where the great shootout at the OK Corral.

The Bird Cage had some of the biggest singers and gamblers in the nation as patrons and performers.

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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show

Kelly, Peggy and I attended the very prestigious Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show. They had 2200 horses showing, and the entire "extravaganza" was amazing. Each stable decorated the front of their stalls-making an elaborate "Tack Room"-some had large plasma TVs showing their horses in action-others had large framed oil paintings of their horses-it was truly "one up man-ship"!

They had over 300 commercial vendors-selling everything from 2600$ riding habits to diamond studded whips. I often wondered who wore some of the gaudy clothes I see in catalogs-now I know-the gold lamee' ball caps and fur trimmed sparkly vests-are worn in Scottsdale. Even the dogs wear more costly clothing than mine.

The most exciting class was the "Native Dress Class". The costumes were elaborate jewel-studded and wildly ornate-even better than those in the movie-Hildago.

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Hiking the Desert

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

3 Springs Ranch, Texas

Our good friends Carol "Elyse" and David McKinney own the beautiful 3 Springs Ranch in the Perdernales River Valley west of Austin, Texas. Peggy and I love to visit-hike the rolling hills,ride the horses, and fish for bass.

The ranch has a rugged beauty that cannot be captured on film. It is true, as the song goes: The stars at night

are big and bright,

Deep in the heart of Texas.


Friday, February 9, 2007

San Antonio Rodeo & Stock Show

Peggy and I visited the big stock show and rodeo in San Antonia. They had Buck Taylor, who starred in Gunsmoke, signing autographs. I met a guy that had a Brahma named "Baby Girl"-she was as tame as can be-I guess they are like dogs-some are bred for fighting and some as pets. The whole scene was pretty amazing,but one thing that stood out was a white tailed deer auction. There were hundreds of buyers bidding on deer. They were also auctioning off seamen from big bucks. The price ranged from 500 to 1000$. The deer were quite high too. It seems there might be more money in raising deer than cattle!
Check out the 10,000$ bed!


Wednesday, February 7, 2007

On The Border

We found a great deal in lodging in the border town of McAllen Texas. The place is beautiful, has wireless,a very nice breakfast, and best of all-a free happy hour- every day from 5-7. I guess the very best is the price-49$ per night.


Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Head Chef and Gang

The food on the Norwegian Dream was the best we ever had on a cruise. The quality and presentation was outstanding (left click on the menu to enlarge).

I was so impressed I sent a note to the Head Waiter expressing or total satisfaction . He then brought the head chef out into the lounge to meet us. It was really nice.


Saturday, February 3, 2007

Mexican Brewery

"Pong" for Seniors-the bar maid keeps handing them to you-even when you are on your knees.
They encourage you to "Break the Record"- 14 beers in one hour! (For your info, I had two) in case my kids read this!


"Buzzed Seniors"

This is the result of having unlimited drinking at a Mexican Brewery. I call this, "Seniors Gone Wild"!


Dumb Tourist

This guy is not too bright-arguing with a local with M&M (muscles and machete)

Going "native"


Going to shore

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