Friday, July 31, 2020

Pennsylvania is a beautiful state!

Especially the mountains;  picking wild blackberries-riding through a mountain in an abandoned train tunnel-even found a rock solid


Sunday, July 19, 2020


I guess I am out of touch-ripped jeans, tattered hats and now a brand new car wrapped with plastic film-to resemble a rusty old one! The :wrap" cost almost $10,000 and the sticker price of the car is $51,485. It's a crazy world!

Monday, July 13, 2020

Dinnertime in our back field

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Waste not- Want Not!

This means:

Wise use of one's resources will keep one from poverty.  Another phrase with similar meaning:  Use it up,wear it out; Make it do, or do without!
      Don't toss it out-repair it!  The backs of these patio chairs were "shot" and needed replaced.  Weaving some webbing  made them usable again.  I started by attaching the webbing in a bottom corner.  A great glue is "E6000" and then reinforced with a pop rivet.  However, you should sand and paint the chairs first.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Deck Shed

You've heard of "She Sheds"-meet the "D Shed"! My daughter needed dry storage so I converted the area under her deck to a Deck Shed.
I attached painted metal roofing metal to the underside of the deck floor on a 4 inch pitch-to remove rain water.

Friday, July 3, 2020

What is more soul soothing than a pond or lake-or any water!