Monday, June 30, 2014

Father-Son-First Motorcycle Road Trip

It was our first road trip together.  My goal was to see that my son Shane had a great time.  His goal was to ride every twisting mountain road and visit every barbeque shack in the south.  We would travel "old School" camping, eating trail mix, barbeque and bar food.  Our signs received a lot of "thumbs up" one the road!

Road Trip -Preparation

A road trip requires a lot of stuff especially  when you plan on camping.  Other than a week's supply of clothing, you need a tent, sleeping bag, foam pad, etc.  It is a little like backpacking-you have limited space.
     For clothing, I prefer the "Toss- Away Route".  I buy a bunch of 50 cent shirts at a flea market-"wear em and toss em"- just like Hansel and Gretel with the stones and bread crumbs.  Your pack gets lighter and stays fresh!

Road Trip-Leaving Home

We are heading for the Dragon's Tail- an eleven mile mountain with 318 curves located on the NC-Tenn Border.

Black Water Falls, West Virginia

This was embarrassing!  After hiking the falls we set up camp.  I opened my tent to find that I had forgotten my tent poles.  Just before the trip I lectured Shane about good preparation-and now I screw up.
   He had a good laugh and we proceeded to jury rig the tent between a motorcycle and a picnic table. I woke up in the morning feeling a giant damp spider's web resting on my face-it was the tent's netting. MEMORIES

Dragon's Tail at Deal's Gap

This place is a must for all touring mtorcyclists-318 curves in eleven miles. The curves are sharp and  dificult to ride-especially if you are speeding.  At the base of the mountain is the "Tree of Shame"!  Bikers that were. "consumed by the Dragon" attach pieces of their wrecked bikes to the tree. A smashed gas tank may have the words inscribed: 9/18/2013 Jimbo,  Aw Sh--!

Road Trip Southern Barbeque

Shane is into barbeque having built a large smoker from a fuel tank.  We visited a lot of smokers-the "chefs" were proud of their product and readily shared information.

Mountain Folks are Great

We rode the high "twisty" back roads whenever possible.  Once we stopped at and intersection to check our map.  A bearded  guy walked up to us and asked if he could help.  We chatted and he suggested a good camping spot for that night.  He asked us to wait a minute as he walked back to his truck He returned and gave us each a small wooden cross and wished us a safe and happy journey.  It was a little "big thing" that we will always rememeber!

Road Trip Trouble on Interstate-Hickory, NC

If you want a thrill-a bad one-, have a flat tire at 70 MPH on the interstate.  First the bike begins to shake and then it wobbles like a bucking bull.
     I figure I an the luckiest guy-as I made it to the berm.  The philosopher, Nietzsche once said, "That which does not kill you will make you strong". I am now SUPERMAN!
     A State Trooper stopped to check on us plus two trucks .The best part was when three great guys on chopper motorcycles stopped to help They were from Iowa and on their way to a chopper party-that would be a good party.

Road Trip-Dirt Track Racing

Other than barbeque, to experience the true south you need to visit a stock car race on a dirt track.  The best part was a special race of souped up lawn mowers-those things flew....

Southern Road Trip-Coming Home

The sign we displayed while coming home says it all!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Straub Brewery and Elk Visitors Center-Gold in our Backyard

Many folks overlook some great "local treasures".  Straub Brewery in St Marys , Pa. is one of then and a fun place to visit.  We were fortunate to have Hannah as our  exuberant guide-along with a good "party group".
     Upon entering the brewery, you are welcomed by the "Eternal Tap"- 3 taps on the wall-you just help yourself and sample what you like, but wash your glass before leaving.  The brewery is old and pretty much original with lots of copper and brass.  Half way through the tour we are asked if we would like a fresh bottle of Straub Lite, just off the line and iced down.Wow-put this place on your bucket list!

Elk County Visitors Center

    Not far from St. Marys is the "elk viewing area" in a little town of Benzette-lots of elk-quaint bars (2) and a "killer " visitor center.  It is well worth a visit-especially in the fall when the antlers and foliage are in their splendor
