Thursday, December 31, 2009

Recipe for a Very, Very Merry Christmas

If you mix together the following "ingredients" I can promise you a wonderful Christmas:

1. Start with a fresh snowfall creating a winter wonderland

2. Take grandchildren to the workshop and help them create home made gifts for relatives.

3. Visit a nursing home as Santa-the smiles and "looks" will make your day.

4. Play Santa for a wide eyed group of believers. Have their parents place a wrapped gift outside-Santa puts the gifts in his pack-enters the home-Ho Ho Ho and the fun begins.

5. Have all your family over for Christmas Day.

This is a winning "recipe". You may add or change a few items-but number 5 is a necessity! Merry Christmas and the best New Year ever! BT


Saturday, December 5, 2009

Clearfield County Deer Camps

The correct phrase is, "Going to Camp". Each year thousands of hunters use five of their precious vacation days and take a step back into time-spending a week at deer camp. I'm not talking about fancy hunting lodges-these are real deer camps with no frills. They usually have the following characteristics:
1. hand build by the members
2. have an outhouse
3. electricity-maybe
4. heated by wood stove
5. bunks-not beds
6. running water-maybe-heated by stove

I love visiting my friend's camps. Some have three generations present-all telling tall tales, playing cards, tapping kegs, and having a great time. In many cases, shooting a deer is secondary to the camaraderie with old friends.
Some camps have "rules" like no shaving or showering, visits to town, or wives. One of the big items at camp is food-anything healthy is forbidden. It's meat and tator time along with kielbasa, venison, sausage with sauerkraut as a "veggie".
Home brews of wine, beer and even white lightning are tasted and critiqued by expletives that can't be printed. The whole experience is one that has to be experienced to understand-an acquired taste and a great time.
