Monday, September 24, 2007

A Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, forty one years ago, in a humongous suburban school-there was a first year biology teacher- Science Guy. Taking a break from his test tubes, microscopes and frogs he caught the sight of a young, new dance teacher in the physical education department. Her name was Dancing Queen.

Suddenly Science Guy was forming a new hypothesis-how to date the queen. After doing extensive research-reading “Dating for Dummies” and “Even Science Nerds Can Score” he made his move. It worked- she gave him the time of day-an afternoon date in the middle of the week.

One September weekend a year later, Miss Dancing Queen became, Mrs. Dancing Guy. For three years they were so happy in their home in the “burbs”. Then unrest started to appear. One day the queen proclaimed, “Green Acres where I want to be”. Guess what happened next?

Ten years later the family expanded with the addition of little Shiner Boy and Kay-J Girl. Time flew and everyone grew- the young grew up and Sci Guy grew out. Life was good.

Forty years later, Shiner and his wonderful wife, Angel, invited the “Guys” to a pig roast/picnic. There the most marvelous event unfolded-the Little Guys had organized a surprise 40th anniversary party for them. They were elated. Kay-J had flown in from Phoenix- friends came from far and wide-and for once the Sci Guy was speechless.

Later, exhausted and beaming with pride and appreciation, the older Guys reflected on their life. Their conclusion: In life, good health is so important-but equally important are your family and friends-they make everything worthwhile.

The moral of this story is: true happiness is having a wonderful family like Shiner, Angel, and their children, Eyeque and Kantstan-Pop-plus daughter Kay-J and the best friends a couple could have. We love you-No No-WE TREASURE YOU. Thank you-Thank you – Thank you.


Saturday, September 22, 2007

Rocky Horor Show

Are you annoyed by people in the audience talking during a movie? What if they shouted during the show? What if they shouted obscenities?

Does the movement of people during a show bother you? How about folks running around, throwing stuff, dancing, etc.---

If this appeals to you, see a midnight showing of the Rocky Horror Show. I had always wanted to see this (Socrates said . "The unexamined life is not worth living") and I tend to follow that creed. A group of us went last night-dressed in part- and rented a private box in the theater. Everyone loved it -except me- I thought it was so, so.

Anyway, experience the "unexamined", sometimes you have to kiss a lot of toads the get the prince.


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Heart Walk- Philadelphis Sports Complex

As you all know, we spent this beautiful Sunday morning at Citizens Bank Park for the Thrush's first annual "Heart and Sole" walk....we walked for team CHOP on our own team, "Miles for Morgan"! We all donned our "Morgan's Crew" t-shirts and hats and hit the pavement bright and early!!
It was a spectacular morning spent with our family, among thousands who gathered to recognize the ongoing fight against heart disease. Before walking the 5K, we listened to three heartwarming told by a father with heart disease who lost his 20 year old son in his sleep to a cardiac arrhythmia, one by a mother of a 3 year old little girl who has undergone and will require lifelong open heart surgeries for multiple severe heart defects, and one by a sobbing 50+ gentleman who has survived a heart attack at the age of 41.
We were there for our Morgan Hope, who was among the many survivors given a red Heart Walk hat, and who was entirely too energetic, bounding up and down the stadium steps more times than we could count, to sit and listen to the above stories. A 5 year old cannot comprehend the enormity of the situations surrounding her, she was just thrilled to meet the Philly Phanatic (and the men happy to stretch with the Sixers dancers!!)!!
Shane and I are SO grateful for the love and support surrounding our family!! Morgan continues to grow strong, and we owe SO much to CHOP for helping her do so!! For those of you who were able to join us this morning.....THANK YOU for taking the time to walk with us. For those who could not make it this year, this will certainly not be the last year "Miles for Morgan" walks for Team CHOP.....the Thrush's plan to make this an annual event!!!
Enjoy the pictures and have a great week!!
Love to all,


Saturday, September 15, 2007

Semi-Wild Hogs

Every year my good friend Bruce and I try to get away for a "Wild Hog Week" (see the movie if you haven't). We pack our bikes with tents and sleeping bags, some tasteless shirts, and a bag of munchies that would be forbidden on any healthy diet.

It was ironic that we had chosen this 9-11 week as we did the same about six years ago. We had camped on the Blue Ridge Parkway and rode into a small town diner for breakfast. A group of old guys were huddled around a radio and one of the said, "Hey boys- America is under attack". We looked at each other and said, yeah-right. We soon realized the terrible news was true.

I consider myself so fortunate to have Bruce as a friend and especially as a cycle companion. He is easy going, funny, and has one quality that I especially admire-No Mind Barriers. Raining hard-not a problem-we'll ride slower; lost-lets follow this road-it's bound to go somewhere- and the beat foes on. Bruce says that there is no such thing as bad weather- only bad gear. My only complaint about Bruce is the same one he has for me-loud snoring. We always pitch our tents quite a few decibels away from each other.

Saturday morning we headed for Happy Valley and the Penn State-Notre Dame Game. It was a beautiful day- our tailgate party was super and PSU won.


Semi-Wild Hogs Road Trip

Sunday we rode 450 miles to Westport, Canada-about an hour south of Ottawa. At the end of our ride was a " pot of gold"-The Roberts Bed and Breakfast- owned by Mariann and Rob Roberts of Quakertown. What a wonderful place-beautiful rooms-superb food and hospitality-we were spoiled. We ended our trip sleeping in tents and eating granola bars-like going from a Rolls to a Pinto.


Semi-Wild Hogs Road Trip

The White Mountains of New Hampshire are a treat especially for motorcyclists-scenic mountains and curvy roads. We decided to ride up Mt. Washington-although it was 34 degrees on top. The winds are so strong, they have chains over the building.


Semi-Wild Hogs Road Trip

Camping-you either love it or hate it.Guess where I fall? It is difficult to explain-kinda like a kiss. There is something magical about sitting around a camp fire-thousands of stars overhead-and the neat sounds of night animals (excluding wolves). It is also reassuring to know that camping is available in all National Forests-no reservations needed.


Semi-Wild Hogs Road Trip

Where are we anyway-Atlanta, Detroit, Philadelphia-around America, All cities are the same: there is a Circuit City, an Applebees, a TGI Fridays, etc. To really savor (no pun intended) we avoid the chain restaurants and visit the diners. The locals gather here-solving political and economic problems; critiquing the football team, and just plain socializing. Old men are eating oatmeal; mature ladies are having soft poached eggs on white toast; the young and bold are devouring plates of eggs, sausage and mounds of ketchup covered home fries.

Some watch us ride in and they seem enviable either recalling days of yore or longing for the freedom of the open road. Others look at us like we are totally nuts-riding motorcycles-especially when it is cold and raining. The diners are the last of Americana.


Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Auburn Cord Duesenberg Reunion-2007

Every year the week before Labor Day finds hundreds of Auburns, Cords and Duesenberg Automobiles heading for Auburn, Indiana- The Home Of The Classics. The ACD Club holds its annual reunion and what a time it is-thousands of people flock to this area. Some watch the Kruse Auction (see on ESPN); some visit antique and quilt shows; others, like ourselves, go on tour with 50 antique cars. It is called the Hoosier Tour and we spend about three days travelling to Ohio, Indiana or Michigan.

There are many parties, banquets, car shows, and a large parade of classic cars. The women enjoy an elaborate tea-wearing vintage clothing and hats.

The following picture shows George- our past president- in a past time- touring with his pedal car. The other picture is our friend , Bill, flashing his, Shitty Restoration Shirt. Bill sold his car and was looking for a project. He bought an antique manure spreader and restored it like new and placed it in his front yard. During election years, he attaches a sign reading-Political Machine. Around Christmas a new sign is poster-Spreading Good Cheer. I couldn't resist sending him that shirt.

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Auburn Cord Duesenberg Continued-The Tea


Auburn Cord Duesenberg Club- Part 2

Peggy and I wanted to see more ACD Members dress in period clothing so we sponsor awards and trophies- with both adult and children's divisions. Somehow it doesn't seem right for beautiful classic automobiles to be driven in a parade with their drivers and passengers wearing t-shirts and ball caps.

Every year we have more and more folks joining in the fun and dressing in period clothing. Plus, you can spend large amounts of money for a classic car or wear period clothing and get about the same size trophy'

Peggy, Kate, and Connie dressed as the Andrews Sisters and I was Bob Hope. Wow- what a reception we received along the parade route.

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Auburn Cord Duesenberg Club-Part 3

After all judging and parading is done, it is party time. Our favorite bar in on the square and called the Retreat. Like migrating birds, we flock to this establishment every year- for our, Let Off the Steam Party.

The Andrews Sisters stole the show-dancing on the bar-while patrons slipped them money. The owners were so pleased that they constantly fed the jukebox with old tunes like, Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy-plus they kept the beverages flowing.

Next came our songfest which was really pretty good-only because we had a few excellent voices in the group. The entire bar was on their feet when we sang , God Bless America. The crowning blow (or glow) was when bar patrons lit their lighters and swayed them overhead. Who said Seniors don't know how to party
