Monday, September 20, 2010

Auburn Cord Duesenberg Reunion 2010

Saturday is a big day for the Reunion-car judging in the park and the parade of classics through the town of Auburn. One exceptional Duesenberg drew a large crowd-it was a white Duesy once owned by Clark Gable. The estimate value was 4-5 million.
Women in World War II were represented with Rosie the Riveter and gang. After the parade it is "Miller Time' with "seniors gone wild".


ACD Hoosier Tour

Old cars are fun but touring with 50 Auburns, Cords, and Duesenbergs is the ultimate! For me, the Hoosier Tour is the highlight of the ACD Reunion Week. Many of us have done the tour 10-18 times-it is a great family reunion.
This year we visited the beautiful Culver Academy. The grounds are unbelievable -especially the horse riding program.
