Thursday, November 8, 2018

Old Guys Rule-Monday Night Football

Old Guys Rule!
A group of us have been going to Casey's Bar for Monday Night Football for a long time!
We have rules:
1. No medication talk
2. No hip replacement, aches, etc. 
3. two pictures only- of grandchildren
We used to talk about T & A but now we pretty much bust on each other-it's a good time!

The Monday Night Football Gang "kicked" it up a bit during October. One night the "Retirement Homeys" arrived in bath robes and brought along their nurse.
The next week the officiating was bad as they had a blind ref. and a "chick magnet"

They say that Laughter is good for you--

 The blind "Ref"
Casey's Place-one of the best bars around. They have great food, beautiful barmaids, and a super friendly atmosphere-a real local "Cheer's Bar"! I believe there are about 52 TV's and the best of all-they have one in front of every urinal!

 This night we came as retirees from the "Home" and brought along our own nurse
Joe had a "magnet around his neck with little chicks attached--"CHICK MAGNET"Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing and outdoor