Saturday, November 21, 2020

Upper Buck's Rail Trail-Gold in our backyard.


 A long-awaited trail has finally opened in Bucks County.

Officials held a ribbon-cutting ceremony Thursday for the Upper Bucks Rail Trail outside the Richland Township Fire and Rescue.

The multi-use trail is a little more than 3 miles long and includes an 800-foot boardwalk.

It runs along SEPTA's former Bethlehem railroad line, from Veterans Memorial Park in Richland Township to Lehigh County.

It cost about $1.5 million to design and build.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

It's an Antique!

 It's an Antique! I showed it at the Fall National AACA Meet in Gettysburg this weekend. The Antique Automobile Club of America recognizes vehicles over 25 years of age as antiques.I bought this BMW Motorcycle new in 1992.

In 2009 my friend Bruce and I rode to Alaska, the Yukon. and the Artic Circle from Quakertown-13,500 miles . The journey is posted on my blog; see months of June and July 2009.