is a fidget quilt?
small quilt made with different textured cloths and often adorned
buttons, zippers, or other objects to help
busy the nervous hands of an Alzheimer’s or
I decided to make one for a friend of mine as a Christmas Present. The race car was donated by his grandson-the wheels turn making it good for nervous fingers.
I'm not much of a "sewer" but making the quilt was a lot of fun. I guess I love all machines and all things mechanical.
There are two pockets-one with Velcro and the other with a working zipper The bolt and nuts can move up and down the shaft but I flattened the end so they can't come off.
The little tiger has Velcro on each paw enabling it to "leap" on and off the quilt!
The letters spelling H A L were cut from Pa. License Plates.