North Dakota-Montana Line. This is the first time I've had access to a computer since Auburn ,Indiana. We left there Sunday Morning and drove around Chicago where the traffic is always nasty. We stopped and visited old friends in Oswego, Ill. and struck gold. They were having a combination Father's Day and birthday party-shrimp, salmon,ribs and all the trimmings. I'll remember that meal when I am eating a granola bar lying in a soggy tent. Speaking of granola bars- don't pack them on the bottom of your saddle bags-they don't like that.
The next jaunt was to Dodge Wisconsin and a visit with our Norwegian Friends. Driving conditions were great- straight roads and the drivers were much friendlier. There is nothing like the open road on a cycle- the smell of new mown hay-scent of flower blossoms- the stench of decomposing deer.
I hop to give you travel tips as I travel. Tip #Toll Booth Thrift. We arrived at an unmanned(or unwomaned) toll booth that needed exact change of an Ill. I Pass. We had neither. I stopped the bike and checked around the basket-there was change everywhere. Apparently the locals are "basket challenged:- I paid our tolls and had 2.25 left. Tip-when down and out-check toll booths!
Tomorrow, we ride across the top of Montana and then on to Glacier. My butt and shoulders are a little better-they don't throb as much as before. When I told Bruce, this is a long, long way- he said you eat an elephant-one bite at a time. bul*/^+
Labels: Quakertown to Montana